City-experience about the risks of safety measurements.
Imagine living in a city that you can not leave or enter without being checked. Where every citizen carries the status of a high risk citizen until proven otherwise. Where you are constantly being monitored on devious behaviour. Where everything can be prevented before it actually happens.
Better Safe Than Sorry criticizes the way the Dutch state talks about safety. Criminal acts should be addressed quicker, punishments must be tougher and the public space should be more protected. Slowly we are steering towards a culture where preventing forms the new way of security.
How wonderfull would it be if you can act before there are problems?
With headphones on and an audio tape you walk through the city of Alkmaar. Through several characters and stories you are being confronted with several dilemma’s concerning safety measurements.
Concept & Directing: Merel Smitt | Performer: Amy van der Weerden | Also performing: Chantal Gijzen-Pillitu , Cors van den Brink, Karin Pankras, Maikel Dudink, Marijke Dijkstra, Retthy Groot, Wessel Greven | Production Manager: Alyssa Schrauwen | Technical Assistence: Erik van der Bas | PR:Â Josi van der Weel | Dramaturgy: Eva Jansen Manenschijn | In coproductie with: Karavaan, VIA Zuid en Over Het IJ Festival | Foto: Tomas Mutsaers | Met dank aan: Jurrien van Rheenen en Festival Cement | Graphic design:
- © Salih Kilic
- © Salih Kilic
- © Salih Kilic
- © Salih Kilic
- © Salih Kilic
- © Salih Kilic
- © Salih Kilic